Stop Wishing. Start Doing.
If you have found yourself here on this website, then there is a reason for it. Continue your journey to explore, find out more, and become active in the pursuit of health and fitness.
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The human body is incredible: that it can go for weeks without food, days without water, yet only moments without air. As a fundamental foundation of living we tend to forget about it, and take it for granted.
Our environment, attitudes and diet can affect the breath. Be they positive or otherwise. And yet, this flow from the external to internal can be reversible. Meaning that the breath can impact on how we manage external influences. How, by way of controlling the breath we can control the internal condition of our body.
Who is this
If you suffer from obstructed breathing, the exercises you will learn will help alleviate the pains. However, there are many conditions that many not be obvious that they are connected to dysfunctional breathing, for example suffering from cold hands and feet.
I can write a list of conditions for you to identify with. However I find it more important that we focus on the positive by restoring functional breathing. This will reduce the bothersome symptoms. It is recommended to pay attention to how you are breathing throughout the average day.
Scientific sources are not conclusive as to the definition – and respective symptoms – of dysfunctional breathing. That being said, if you can relate with any of the highlighted issues, then it is worth getting your breath back to one of functional breathing.
It is generally easier to become aware of things with a mentor who has gone through the experience. And you can ask any questions that you want.
Always forward, never back.
There is a difference between
health and fitness.

Why Breathwork?
The main goal is that you find relief from obstructive and disruptive symptoms. (I often suggest writing a number of these pain points down, and keep a score of intensity experienced for each, every day.)
“We often forget the pain after we find relief”
Breathwork is a fundamental mechanism of the body, and therefore has a multi-dimensional affect on the body when it is running functionally. This can be obvious to us all, as well as subtleties that we can easily miss.
You may have tried various other practices (and indeed other breathing exercises), both conventional or otherwise. Whatever your goals are, I am led to believe that overall vitality begins with the breath. When this foundation is in a state of a healthy base line, other modalities can flourish.
A Difference, that
Makes a Difference
‘How will I feel or see the change?’ you may ask…
Perhaps it will be the reduced triggers of the symptoms that are bothering you now. Whether this is asthma or rhinitis (hayfever). Less sneezing, less coughing, less wheezing.
Or perhaps the simple experience of waking up in the morning, after a full, deep sleep, feeling relaxed, rejuvenated and energised. Or maybe it will emerge through feeling less tired during the day.
Restoring functional breathing will allow you (and your body) more possibilities to be active with those pastimes and activities that you enjoy.
I was sceptical at first as I have done other breathing exercises before. But this is different! This makes a huge difference to overall health and my state of mind.
Micky Food Tech
I am at an age where I just want to be fit and healthy. After some injuries, breathwork assists in reducing the pain and recovering quicker!
Billy Building and Construction
I do regular meditation, but the framework and concepts taught here are different. And have a major positive impact during my day.